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Wednesday, 2024-04-24

The 4.0 version of Communigram is the first independant one disposing of all furthers necessary for project planning- And much more ...

  1. Integrated Gantt chart (time bar chart), synchronized with Communigram
  2. Zoom in time in the Gantt chart
  3. Blue "today" line, moves during the day to reflect the exact time
  4. Gantt : double-click anywhere to bring beginning of time bar under cursor
  5. Yellow triangle on Gantt bar to indicate "started"
  6. ToolTip to discover the details of each bar in the Gantt chart
  7. Critical path visible in Gantt
  8. Planned start and finish vs. actual start and finish: green/red bars vs. blue bars
  9. Histogram  to show the workload of each person
  10. Multi-project histogram: different color for each project
  11. ToolTip to show the details of each resource workload bar in the histogram
  12. Interactive Histo-Gantt: clicking on resource workload bar shows corresponding bar in Gantt chart
  13. Interactive Histo-Gantt: moving the Gantt immediately shows the consequences on resource loading (including multi-project)
  14. Planned vs. actual resource workload (amount of consumed workhours)
  15. Actual workload automatically substracted from remaining workload
  16. Interactive Gantt: time bars can be modified using mouse
  17. Interactive Gantt: time bars can be connected with arrows using mouse
  18. Availability of people visible in histogram (black line showing calendar availability)
  19. Constraints shown in Gantt chart
  20. Constraints automatically set/altered when time bars are moved in Gantt to "nail them down" in time (allows "planning by deadlines")
  21. Traffic light history visible in Gantt chart, with ToolTips to see details
  22. Baselines: store "snapshots" of project plan
  23. Baselines: choose among 100 baselines to view in Gantt chart
  24. Project calendars: customize weekends depending on locality, add holidays, ...
  25. People calendars: each person disposes of a calendar in which non-available days can be blocked
  26. Simulation: real "sandbox" functionality to modify project plan
  27. Simulation: critical path is recalculated "on the fly" to show consequences of changes
  28. Simulation: effect on resource workload and availability is immediately visible
  29. Simulation: if new scenario is satisfactory, scenario is transformed into current plan with a single click
  30. Simulation: if scenario is not satisfactory, scenario is deleted and previous plan is left untouched
  31. Hide unnecessary column details
  32. Responsible generic resources (competencies/roles)
  33. Yellow triangle in Communigram table to indicate "in progress"
  34. Progress curve: flexible ponderation of curve
  35. Progress curve: integration of more curves (planned, actual, baselines)
  36. Modules: can be added to project after milestone (case after decision point)
  37. Modules: in live project, module chosen by decider (responsible of milestone) is automatically copied into current project + reschedule
  38. Modules: iterations, integration of modules within modules
  39. Communication "forum" around a traffic light
  40. Horizontal Communication: between participants
  41. Upstream Communication: with "Suppliers"
  42. Downstream Communication: with "Clients" (enhanced)
  43. Communication between project manager (or sub-project manager) and delivrable responsible: e.g. to react to traffic lights
  44. "Discussion Threads: comment a comment
  45. Communication visible in "self-service" mode
  46. Open Communication: any person can comment on traffic lights
  47. Hierarchic order of communication history
  48. Quick-View Box of messages
  49. Notion of "Deliverable Creator" : automatically receives delivrable if no arrow leading out of deliverable
  50. Deliverable Creator automatically sees what is happening around deliverable
  51. Copy/Paste of Outlook messages: appear in history
  52. Hyperlinks, images, etc. possible in HTML fields (e.g. to copy / paste from web pages)
  53. Links to Documents (with version definition) directly integratable in HTML text(drag&drop)
  54. Alert to tell people that a deliverable needs to start
  55. Function "Start now"
  56. Alert to tell people that a deliverable on the critical path needs to start soon (in 3 day, tomorrow, …)
  57. Alert to remind people that a deliverable is late (should have been delivered)
  58. Function "Send now"
  59. Alert to remind people that a deliverable has not been validated (since 1 day, …)
  60. Function "Reply now"
  61. Alert to remind decider that a decision point has been reached (milestone) and has not yet been decided
  62. Function "Decide now"
  63. Message to ask for confirmation of a planned duration (enhanced)
  64. Personal Gantt
  65. Personal Histogram
  66. Message box as in Outlook / Notes
  67. Icon to indicate type of message (comment, sent, deliverable OK/refused, …)
  68. Read messages are automatically marked as such (bold to plain font)
  69. "GoTo" shortcut for each message: clicking on it brings you to the right line in myCommunigram
  70. Message ordering
  71. Message filtering
  72. Alert box can be made visible at same time as message box
  73. Decentralized planning: request for "input"
  74. Attribution of a requested input to a potential supplier
  75. Confirmation request can be sent to potential supplier
  76. List of requested inputs with / without supplier
  77. Send partial deliverables to input clients
  78. Declartion of actual workload (consumed hours)
  79. Users can change their password directly from Communigram
  80. Roaming user preferences (stored in database)
  81. Much more information is tracked, e.g. which person set a traffic light, when, who reacted to it, …
  82. History of traffic lights contains all status changes (not just "Thursday evening" status)
  83. Improved look and feel: buttons, colors, ... 
  84. More types of icons for better ergonomy (e.g. comment, comment on a traffic light, …)
  85. New keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+R, +D, +G, +F, …)
  86. Detail window (bottom drawer) completely redesigned
  87. Import / Export to Microsoft Excel (XLS)
  88. Import from Microsoft Project (MPP)
  89. Export to PDF (improved, vectorized)
  90. MS SQL 2005 database compatibility
  91. Improved user management
  92. LDAP integration (optional)
  93. User access privilege profiles (global and project)
  94. Hierarchic user access privileges
  95. Linux and Mac compatible 
  96. Interface entirely redesigned, user configurable
  97. Communigram and myCommunigram simultaneously available
  98. Messages and alerts available without switching to myCommunigram mode
  99. Access to IMAP mailboxes

100 new functions, 100% defined by you!

We have added a lot of new things, but only what was strictly necessary.

Says who? You did. Each and every one of the new features is based on requests by the Communigram user community. You see, it pays to be part of the "Communigram family". Together, we are improving Communigram - not just the tool, also the methodology - faster than any other offering in the project management field. This helps all of you manage your projects better and find solutions to your business challenges. So don't thank us, thank yourselves! And let's keep it up, there's lots more to do for 5.0!