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Communigram Software

Communigram® is a state-of-the-art web-based project and process management system. It is a full-web application that runs in a java-enabled browser.

With Communigram® you get an integrated enterprise solution for:

  • Project planning and process modeling
  • Project management (tracking, controlling and re-planning)
  • Resource Management (including multi-project dependencies)
  • Messaging and e-Mail integration
  • Collaboration
  • Workflow
  • Document Management (document archiving)

Communigram is available as an autonomous software solution as well as an integrated solution with project management systems such as Primavera.

The standard, turn-key solution of Communigram contains all data you need to plan and manage your projects and processes in predefined data containers, as shown below. In essence, this means that you only need to install the Communigram server and you are ready to go.

Data Architecture of Standard Communigram Solution

Integration using Communigram's Single-Database Architecture

In many cases however, your organization will already have the same type of data handled in Communigram stored in another location. Examples for this include:

  • User data (e.g. logins, passwords, etc.)
  • Resource data (names, telephone numbers, e-mail adresses, price, etc.)
  • Organizational data (departments, organizational structure, etc.)
  • Calendar data (working hours, holidays, availability of certain people, etc.)
  • Task data (name of tasks, time estimates, dependencies, actual work, etc.)
  • Documents (existing documents on file servers, document management systems, etc.)

The Communigram philosophy is to avoid having several sets of the same data (a.k.a. data redundancy) because double sets of data are a real headache to maintain. 

Communigram has a unique architecture that allows you to avoid data redundancy. When certain data already exists in your organization, Communigram can be configured to use the existing data rather than its own database. The principle is shown in the illustration below.

Examples of how Communigram data can be replaced with other data sources

Communigram is Technology Partner of Primavera Systems.

Communigram is Advanced Business Partner of IBM